All of us here at Cheque Print love the big blue we are all riding on called earth and we are trying to do our part to keep it clean and healthy. Admittedly we are a printing company and we do use trees, we are also very aware and actively conscious of our environment and our impact on it. We are not 100% green, but we are getting there. Here are some of the ways Cheque Print is helping. Find out more about our forest and the many other steps Cheque Print is taking to become more environmentally friendly.
Cheques For Trees
The average tree yields enough pulp to produce 8,333 sheets of paper. Cheque Print is helping to offset this by having a tree planted for every 8,000 pages printed - watch below as we track how many trees are planted this year.

Office Items
- Computers and printers are turned off at night to conserve energy
- Lights are turned off at night and weekends too.
- Almost all paper is securely stored in our locked shredding boxes and when Enviroshred empties the boxes, every month, they recycle close to 100% of everything in their trucks.
- Our cardboard boxes that are not used, are recycled.
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